The Dead Sea Scrolls and Pauline Literature
The Dead Sea Scrolls and Pauline Literature
Edited by Jean-Sébastien Rey , Université de Lorraine
€121,00 $166.00
ISBN13: 9789004227033
E-ISBN: 9789004230071
Publication Year: 2013
The relationships between Pauline literature and the Dead Sea scrolls have fascinated specialists ever since the latter were first
discovered. Now that all the Qumran scrolls have been published, it is
possible to see more clearly the amplitude and impact of this corpus
on first century Judaism. This book offers some syntheses of the
results obtained in the last decades, and also opens up new
perspectives, by highlighting similarities and indicating possible
relationships between these various writings within Mediterranean
Judaism. In addition, the authors wish to show how certain traditions
spread, evolve and are reconfigured in ancient Judaism as they meet
new religious, cultural and social challenges.
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Smaranda Marculescu (December 3, 2013). The Dead Sea Scrolls and Pauline Literature. BIBLINDEX: research notebook. Retrieved January 15, 2025 from