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The Czech Patristic Society and the Centre for Patristic, Medieval and Renaissance Texts, Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic, are organizing an international colloquium on Clement of Alexandria, focused on Clement´s Biblical Exegesis.

 The colloquium will take place in Prague/Olomouc, Czech Republic (will be specified soon), on May 29-31, 2014.
Working languages will be English, French, German and Italian.

Conference home‐page: 

The home‐page will be updated continuously.


 Four main lectures will introduce the conference:

·         Alain Le Boulluec: L’interprétation de la Bible et le genre symbolique selon Clément

·         Annewies van den Hoek: Relationship between OT and NT in Clement

·         Judith Kovacs: Clement´s interpretation of Paul´s letters.

·         Marco Rizzi: Patterns of Biblical exegesis in Clement

 The programme has five main themes:

  1. Theoretic basis of the interpretation of Scripture; comparison between Clement and Philo; Clement and Origen; relations between rational demonstration and use of the Bible in search of the truth;
  2. relation between OT and NT in Clement;
  3. Clement and OT (Clement´s Greek Bible; interpretation of individual books of OT);
  4. Clement and NT (Clement´s text of NT; interpretation of individual books of NT);
  5. different ways of use of Scripture in individual Clement´s works.

 You are cordially invited to submit a proposal for a presentation (of approximately 30 minutes) or short communication (15 minutes). In order to maintain the thematic coherence of the conference it would be appreciated if suggested themes for contributions related to the above mentioned themes.

 The dead-line for submissions is January 20, 2014.

The submission should include a title and a summary of your presentation and should be sent to the following e-mail address: We will answer your suggestions continuously and not later than by February 15, 2014.

 Kindly extend this invitation to other scholars who might be interested to participate.

Doctoral students working on a topic relevant to the theme of the colloquium are also welcome.


The normal conference fee will be 200 Euro. This fee will cover participation in all sessions of the conference, all meals (except breakfast), welcome reception, social programme and other events connected to the conference.

The organisers are constantly applying for more funding for the conference. We are almost sure that this will enable us to reduce the fee at least for students and younger scholars, and hopefully also the general fee. We will provide more information about this at the home‐page.




The Centre for Patristic, Medieval and Renaissance Texts is a research centre attached to St. Cyril and Methodius Faculty of Theology, Palacký University Olomouc. You may learn about the Centre, its projects, activities and publications at the following address:

The Czech Patristic Society is a local branch of the International Association of Patristic Studies (IAPS/AIEP). The President of the Czech Patristic Society is Professor Lenka Karfíková (Prague). You may learn about the society and its activities at the following address:


The conference is organized by Veronika Cernuskova, Jana Platova and Vit Husek.


All communication may be addressed to Vit Husek and sent to

 Veronika Cernuskova

Jana Platova

Vit Husek

Vit Husek, Th.D.

secretary of the Czech Patristic Society
Centre for Patristic, Medieval and Renaissance Texts
Czech Republic

OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Smaranda Marculescu (December 3, 2013). COLLOQUIUM CLEMENTINUM II – CALL FOR PAPERS. BIBLINDEX: research notebook. Retrieved January 15, 2025 from

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